Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Obama Day!

This is what Barack and I ate for breakfast this morning. (He stopped by for a small pep talk regarding that under-the-radar speech he gave today.)

It was no biggie - I typically "pal around" with awesome dudes.

This one just happens to be our President.

And I just happen to have a renewed sense of faith in our country today!


  1. What a great day, huh? I'm still buzzing with excitement, myself...

  2. ha ha, oh yes, he mentioned having seen you when I ran into him the other day... ^_^

  3. omnomnom. My mom, my friend, and I LOVED the cookies. I believe I had six of them today :) Thank you. I will post about it tomorrow.

  4. Ha! I'm just now reading this, but can you imagine how awesome it would be to have breakfast with Obama?! I would just like, "You do the talking with your sexy president voice...I'll listen for awhile." Every time I hear him speak, I just swoon.

  5. those oranges are the pits....LOL...Well you tell him not to let those pals of McCain get in any way of progress...


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