Saturday, December 29, 2007
Garden Ranch Pita

Thursday, December 27, 2007
O' Chocolate Cupcakes
Like many of you, I've been visiting family and friends for the holidays, which has caused my posts to slow down a bit. However, although I haven't been posting much lately, it actually feels like I've been cooking more than ever...
Golden Vanilla Cupcakes

Pictured here are the other cupcakes that I made for my aunt's b-day. And, just like the chocolate cupcakes in the previous post, these are also from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World (of course!).
So, I chose these particular cupcakes because I wanted to make something that non-chocolate lovers could enjoy, as well as something that wouldn't visually compete with the O' Chocolate Cupcakes too much.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Bubble Tea

"What the hell is floating in the bottom of that glass?!"
First, don't be frightened. It's only tapioca balls. And second, they're really delicious, especially when covered with a scrumptious brown-sugary glaze, as they are here.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Black Beans + Rice w/ Sweet Potato Cubes

Fortunately or not, I did not grow up eating sweet potatoes. Sure, I may have unknowingly consumed one at some point in time, but I honestly have no recollection of doing so. Thus, I have no preconceived notions about them, or how they're "supposed" to be prepared.
On one hand, that's a bit of a bad thing, if only because it prevents me from commiserating with people who obsess about their love/hate relationships with those sweet potato-marshmallow conglomerations that are often served on Thanksgiving.
On the other hand, it's a really good thing, because it means that I tend to work with sweet potatoes in exactly the same manner as I do with plain ol' white potatoes. And since I LOVE potatoes in general, it's nice to have zero boundaries when it comes to cooking with all varieties of spuds.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Olive Lover's Pizza

Since I've been on a bit of a roll regarding frequent posts lately, I figured I'd try to keep up with my newly acquired habit and post a quick one tonight.
And just so you know, the fact that I'm posting this at nearly 1am has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my Estates and Trusts final is tomorrow. I mean, it's not like I've been staying up until nearly 5am to study for several days straight. Nope, not me...
Anyway, if pressed, I'd probably have to name pizza as my ultimate comfort food. And I, like almost everyone else, practically lived off of crappy "pizza" in college. (Don't blame me, it's not like there're a lot of pizza-making options when you live in a dorm.)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Vegan Ranch Dressing

Oddly, one of the things that I've missed most during my journey toward veganism is Ranch Dressing. Ever since I was little, I've been a huge salad fan, but until about 5 years ago, it didn't even occur to me that other (healthier) salad dressings existed.
Since then, I've enjoyed creating all kinds of delectable vinaigrettes and olive oil dressings, but I still haven't been able to completely kick my Ranch-craving.
Gardner's Pie

Honestly, I think it has something to do with my ever-expanding cookbook collection, which is literally growing by the day. Part of me feels kind of guilty for spending so much of my non-disposable, non-existent income on the books, which I think I'm trying to alleviate by actually utilizing them.
Um, there's nothing wrong with that, right?
Well, nothing except for the fact that I've also stockpiled a ridiculous number of recipes from all of you bloggers as well. So, instead of contributing to the destruction of yet another paper tree, I decided to prepare a recipe from the oodles that I've already collected.
Accordingly, I want to say "thanks" to dr. stonie for her terrific Gardner's Pie recipe! My only changes were to add an extra clove of garlic, plus some spinach and edamame, as I was short on green beans. And although my picture might not be as pretty or delicate-looking as hers is, my "pie" sure tasted great!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Starry Vegan Blueberry Pie

Although I will admit that the crust isn't homemade, everything is still vegan. I created the starry scheme myself, which was actually really fun. Also, I used fresh blueberries, and very little sugar. (Next time, I'll definitely sprinkle some sugar on top of the pie crust - that might have been what was missing.) Although it didn't turn out as delicious as I'd hoped, my beau certainly enjoyed it. And that's all that counts, right?
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (Garlic + Olive Oil)

Thanks to the crazy ice storm that slammed into the Midwest this past weekend, CH and I were stuck in our apartment for two solid days. We attempted to venture out for dinner on Friday night, but after ice skating to the car and hearing sirens incessantly blaring, we decided driving probably wasn't the best idea.
So, we returned to the warmth of our apartment, snuggled up on the couch, and got ready for a serious "Sopranos" marathon. And even though we've both seen almost every episode twice, we decided to start at the very beginning, instead of skipping ahead to the season we haven't seen yet (ie: Season 6). How's that for self-control?
Anyway, between vicariously visiting the Bada Bing and accompanying Tony Soprano on a hit or two, CH and I realized that an insane amount of food is consumed on that show! Honestly, it's almost impossible to watch the "Sopranos" without becoming ravenously hungry, no matter how recently you just ate. In fact, I'm getting hungry now just thinking about it...
Lemon + Chive Garlic Bread

And although I don't like to follow a particular recipe for this kind of stuff, I got some inspiration from Heidi Swanson (my new veg crush!) from 101 Cookbooks. The ingredients involved some Earth Balance vegan butter, a few cloves of minced garlic, some chives (which are currently growing in my Chia-Herb pot), and a bit of lemon zest. It was mmm-mmm good!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Samosa Stuffed Baked Potatoes

Above, you'll find a shot of my very first V-con recipe. It's the Samosa Stuffed Baked Potatoes, which are really quite delicious! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find coriander seed (as opposed to ground coriander) when I made them, so I had to settle for the ground up stuff that I had on hand. Regardless of that minor setback, these turned out so well that I definitely can't complain.
So, when you don't have time to make samosas - and who does, by the way? - feel free to give these potatoes a whirl. I promise, you won't regret it.
And as for the recipe, I have so much faith in the good taste of my fellow bloggers, I won't even bother to post it. I'm sure page 60 is already tabbed in your copy of V-con anyway...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Cinnamon Coffee Cake

The truth is, it actually gives me something different to focus on - somewhere else to direct my energy - as opposed to focusing on whatever happens to be bothering me at the moment.
Peanut Butter Cookies

Below is an excellent vegan peanut butter cookie recipe. My only tip is to make sure that you actually sift the flour, as called for in the recipe. Unfortunately, I underestimated the sifter's importance (and didn't have one) so I attempted to "sift" the flour by using a mesh wire strainer.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Creamy Dijon-Dill Potato Salad

Well, guess what? You're in luck!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Salsa Pasta Salad

Yea - not exactly my bag.
Thus, enter "Salsa Pasta Salad," which is both flavorful and non-mayonnaised (vegan or otherwise). And although this salad isn't quite perfect yet, I appreciate being able to throw it into a plastic container for lunch in about 30 seconds flat.
The recipe can be found here, but please make sure to use olive oil in place of the vegetable oil - it tastes better, and it's so much better for you!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Green Drink
Thanks to her show, I've become acquainted with my favorite Doctor in the world - Dr. Oz (whom I don't, in fact, actually know). Anyway, I really like Dr. Oz because he practices both Western and Eastern medicine, which means that he promotes yoga, meditation, and even (gasp!) improving one's health through a diet rich in fruit and veg. Thus, he recently shared the following recipe to encourage people to incorporate healthy smoothies and juices into their daily lives. As for me, I'm pretty adept at blending up the former, but when it comes to the later, uh...notsomuch.

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Vegan Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies
Ever since I purchased "The Joy of Vegan Baking" cookbook, I've had an indescribable desire to bake! As mentioned in a previous post, although I do enjoy something sweet now and then, I'm certainly not what you'd call a "dessert person." That's why it's even more crazy that cookies keep running through my head. (Chocolate chip, & peanut butter, & oatmeal, oh my!)
*Warning: clicking on this picture will encourage screen licking.

So, what's a girl to do? How can I stop this madness? I clearly can't allow cookies/other baked goods to take over my already crowded apartment, can I? And I obviously can't devour everything myself, right? And it would certainly be unfair to force CH to eat 100s of delicious baked goods, wouldn't it?
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Mexican-Style Chickpea Salad

Anyway, I love their versatility: they can be eaten hot or cold; can be used dried or from a can; and are perfect as part of a side dish or even as the "main event." Although black beans are my all-time favorite, a variety of other kinds are quickly moving up on my list.
Typically, I prefer chickpeas in the form of falafel or hummus. I also like them in soups/stews, because they usually taste kind of funny to me when I eat them cold, as whole beans. Actually, if I eat enough chickpeas, their taste starts to remind me of tuna fish, which makes me a bit unsettled. Interestingly though, after doing a bit of recipe googling, I discovered that chickpeas are often used as a vegetarian substitute for tuna salad. Hmmm...maybe my taste buds are even more well-developed than I previously thought.
So, I found this Mexican-Chickpea Salad on the Food Network website. I actually didn't like it that much, but maybe that's because I left out the chipotle peppers. (While I do love jalapeños, I cannot stand chipotles, which are smoked jalapeños.) Despite that fact, I decided to go ahead and post the pictures and a link to the recipe anyway. Who knows, maybe some of you will find this recipe more to your liking. In the mean time, at least it looks nice! You can find the recipe here.
(Edit 4.24.12) A thoughtful reader pointed out that this recipe is no longer available on The Food Network website. Thus, please find the recipe below:
Mexican-Style Chickpea Salad
(from The Food Network)
2 canned chipotle chiles in adobo, minced (I omitted these)
3 fresh jalapenos, minced
1 medium onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 tomatoes, chopped
4 c. canned chickpeas, rinsed & drained
1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 c. lime juice, freshly squeezed
3 Tbsp. fresh cilantro, chopped
salt + freshly ground black pepper
Add all ingredients to a large bowl & refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Season with salt & additional lime juice, as desired. Serve salad cool or at room temperature.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Vegan Shepherd's Pie

So, don't be too quick to judge a book by its cover (or in this case, a meal by its picture). I'm sure glad that I wasn't.
Recipe: Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie
(printer-friendly version)
1/2 cup uncooked brown lentils, sorted & rinsed
1/4 cup pearl barley
1 tsp. Marmite, or other yeast extract spread
2 cups vegetarian broth
1 large carrot, diced
1/2 large onion, finely diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1 tsp. white all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. water
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup frozen corn
mashed potatoes made from 4 potatoes (according to your favorite recipe)
1.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.) In a large sauce pan, over medium-low heat, simmer lentils, barley, yeast extract, & veg broth for 15 mins.
3.) After 15 mins., add carrot, onion, garlic, & walnuts to the lentil pot, simmering for 15 mins. more. If the mixture starts drying out, add a splash or two of additional veg broth.
4.) Combine the flour & water, & stir it into the mixture, simmering until thickened.
5.) Season the mixture with salt & pepper. Remove pan from heat, & add the peas & corn.
6.) Pour the mixture into a 2 Qt. casserole dish, spooning the mashed potatoes on top.
7.) Bake for about 30 mins., or until the potatoes are lightly browned on top.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A Bit of Cooking Inspiration...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Oh Baby, Baklava!

Any attempt that I make - no matter how perfectly detailed or thoroughly descriptive - to convey the sheer deliciousness of this dessert will undoubtedly fail. And this is coming from someone who isn't even a "dessert person."
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Couscous + Black Bean Salad

Trust me on this...
Recipe: Couscous + Black Bean Salad
(inspired by allrecipes.com)
1 cup whole wheat couscous*
1 1/4 cups vegetable broth*
2 (150z) cans black beans, thoroughly rinsed & drained
1 cup frozen corn
3/4 red bell pepper, seeded & chopped
5 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, roughly chopped
3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 tsp. red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1 pinch salt
10 grinds freshly ground black pepper
1.) Cook couscous according to directions, replacing water with vegetable broth.
2.) In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lime juice, vinegar, cumin, salt, & pepper. Set the dressing aside.
3.) After the couscous has finished cooking, fluff it gently with a fork, & transfer it into a large bowl. Stir the beans, corn, red pepper, & green onion into the couscous.
4.) Pour the dressing over the couscous mixture, stirring to coat.
5.) Stir in the fresh cilantro, taste for salt/pepper, & add if necessary.
6.) Serve immediately, or refrigerate & serve later. (This salad is best at room temperature.)
*Variation: You can also use a box of Near East's Near East's "Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil" wheat couscous (instead of using plain, wheat couscous) when making this dish. If you do so, omit the vegetable broth and use water instead.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Raspberry Lover's Smoothie + Peanut Butter Delight

So, with that small confession out of the way (and the surprising revelation that limiting my food options in grade school may have lead to my current cooking obsession), it's time to share a couple of new smoothies.
These two drinks make an interesting pair: one is fresh, juicy, and slightly tangy; while the other is rich, creamy, and almost dessert-like. Additionally, the Raspberry Lover's Smoothie is perfect as a morning drink or as a midday pick-me-up, and tastes great when you're craving something healthy. On the other hand, the Peanut Butter Delight is delicious as an afternoon treat, or as a sweet, high-protein snack after a long day at work. It also does the trick when that little bit of nostalgia creeps in, because we both know that I wasn't the only kid who brought peanut butter sandwiches to school every day...
Recipe: Raspberry Lover's Smoothie
(printer-friendly version)
(pictured on left)
1 fresh, ripe banana
3/4 cup frozen raspberries
1/2 cup frozen black cherries
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 (6 oz) container raspberry soy yogurt
1/4 cup vanilla (or plain) soy milk
1 Tbsp. ground flax seeds (optional; adds Omega 3s - essential fatty acids)
1 tsp. psyllium husks (optional; adds fiber)
1.) Place all of the ingredients into a blender, adding the flax seeds & psyllium husks last.
2.) Blend until smooth, stopping to push ingredients down the sides, if necessary.
Recipe: Peanut Butter Delight Smoothie
(printer-friendly version)
(pictured on right)
1 fresh, ripe banana
1/3 cup smooth, natural peanut butter
1/4 cup vanilla (or plain) soy milk
1 Tbsp. agave nectar
7 ice cubes, crushed*
1 Tbsp. flax seeds (optional; adds Omega 3s - essential fatty acids)
1.) Place all of the ingredients into a blender, adding the flax seeds last.
2.) Blend until smooth; serve immediately.
*Tip: Crushing the ice before adding it will help the smoothie to blend more quickly, & will also extend the life of your blender. First, place the ice cubes inside a large zip-lock bag, squeeze the excess air out, & seal the bag. Then, place the bag on a flat, solid surface (kitchen counters work great), & use a rolling pin or heavy pan to crush the ice into smaller pieces.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Why Veg?
Some people have "light-bulb" moments when it comes to veganism. They may have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, or visited a slaughterhouse, or even read a book or seen a movie that opened up their eyes to animal suffering.
Others meet vegetarianism slowly. They may have friends or family members who are veg; they might have gone veg to save money; or they might have dabbled in vegetarianism in order to prevent health problems like high-blood pressure and heart disease.
Still, others become veg due to what seems like a natural progression in their lives. Maybe they've always enjoyed eating grains and produce more than animal products; maybe they were already vegetarian and veganism seemed like the logical next step; or maybe their idea of "going green" included doing less harm to animals, the planet, and themselves.
All of these are great reasons to adopt a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. And, FYI, you don't have to be an animal rights activist, "yoga freak," liberal, health fanatic, environmentalist, hippy, millionaire, arugula-lover, or even a finger-wagger to go veg (although all are welcome). The only thing that matters is that you come to it with an open heart and mind.
Become an expert on what your body needs. Decide what your priorities are. Determine what's driving you to make a change in your life. Are you concerned about your health? The environment? The ethical treatment of animals? Or something else?
Even if you're not ready to become vegan/vegetarian, that doesn't mean you shouldn't start scaling back the amount of animal products you consume. You might want to begin by cutting certain types of meat/dairy out of your diet. Or try eating one completely veg meal every day, eating exclusively vegetarian meals on the weekends or during one weekday, or even taking the 30-Day Veg Pledge. Another great way to start is by preparing veggie versions of things that you typically eat (ex: veggie pizza, spaghetti with marinara sauce, veggie burgers, etc.) Alternatively, you could eat veg while cooking at home, but continue eating non-veg meals while out at restaurants.
The bottom line is this: no matter how small of a step you take towards vegetarianism, you're taking a huge step towards better health for you, the animals, and our environment.
Need some encouragement? Try these articles on for size...
Your Health
"I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open."
- Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health - an article packed with information about the health benefits of vegetarianism
- Vegan Diet Reduces Risk of Arthritis, Heart Attack, and Stroke
- High IQ Link to Being Vegetarian - here's an interesting look at a possible link between vegetarianism and higher IQs!
- On Cancer and a Vegetarian Diet - a look at various sources linking vegetarianism to a decrease in cancer
- 22 Reasons to Go Vegetarian Right Now - this article contains a wide variety of health-related (and other) reasons for going veg
- Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets
- Animal Protein and Fat Raise Endometrial Cancer Risk - this provides the full text of one of the articles referred to in "On Cancer and a Vegetarian Diet"
- Rheumatoid Arthritis? Try a Gluten-Free Vegan Diet
The Animals
"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity."
- Boiling Mad: Crabs Feel Pain - a recent article that takes a fascinating look at crabs and their ability to feel/respond to pain
- How Free is "Free-Range?" - an article covering some of the myths surrounding the treatment of "free-range" hens
- Upton Sinclair, Now Playing on YouTube - an undercover vegan goes to work at a slaughterhouse, with a hidden camera...
- Shedding Light on the Treatment of Dairy Cows
- Our Pigs, Our Food, Our Health - an article about how pig farms can lead to antibiotic-resistant staph infections in humans
- Slaughterhouses (note: as the title suggests, this article is contains graphic pictures/information)
- Fish Do Feel Pain, Scientists Say
- Animals in Product Testing - this article provides an entry-point for more information regarding the perils of animal testing
Our Environment
"Refusing meat is the single most effective thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint."
- Vegetarian is the New Prius - an interesting article about the importance of vegetarianism with respect to going "green"
- Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler - a recent NYT article that discusses the negative effects of our country's high-consumption of meat
- Factory Farming - some of the ways it harms our planet and the animals
- Environmental Destruction
- The Case Against Meat - how the production/consumption of meat harms our environment and exacerbates global hunger
- Global Warming - how a non-veg diet contributes to global warming
- Eating Less Meat Could Cut Climate Costs
"At the moment our human world is based on the suffering and destruction of millions of non-humans. To perceive this and to do something to change it in personal and public ways is to undergo a change of perception akin to a religious conversion. Nothing can ever be seen in quite the same way again because once you have admitted the terror and pain of other species you will, unless you resist conversion, be always aware of the endless permutations of suffering that support our society."
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Veg Restaurant Guides
- VT's "Veggie Eats" in Portland, Oregon: click here and here
- JD's Yelp page, which includes veg-friendly restaurant reviews
- Vegan Chicago guide
- Super Vegan: NYC vegan restaurant guide
- Friends of Animals: vegan restaurant guides/reviews (D.C., Seattle, Portland, etc.)
- International veggie restaurant directory
- International veg guide to vegetarian food & shopping
- Happy Cow's global guide to vegetarian restaurants & health food stores

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Vegan + Vegetarian Resources
Veggie Terrain Guides:
What's the Deal with Organics?
- The 800 lb. Gorilla in the Room (the great protein debate)
- How, Now, Brown Cow? (vegan dairy substitutions)
- Eggs? Not for this Chick (vegan baking substitutions)
- Astray Recipes: Vegan
- Post Punk Kitchen
- Vegetarian Recipies at Epicurious
- Magical Loaf Studio: Create Your Own Vegan Dinner Loaf!
- In a Vegetarian Kitchen
- The Vegan Chef
- A Bit of Cooking Inspiration... from Veggie Terrain
- PETA's Vegetarian Starter Kit
- FREE, Printable Vegetarian Booklet from Vegetarian Times
- Vegetarian Food for Thought
Vegetarian Food for Thought
It's called "Vegetarian Food for Thought," and it's geared towards vegetarians and vegans - old and new, alike. It's hosted by the affable Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, who is really well-versed in a wide variety of veg-related issues. Aside from hosting the podcast, Colleen also teaches vegetarian cooking and nutrition classes, which adds even more credibility to her comments and suggestions.

As for the subject-matter of the podcast, it covers everything from how to address social/dining situations in which you're the only vegetarian, to the health implications of consuming animal products. It also deals with topics such as: vegetarian pets; being a "joyful vegan;" responding to questions about your veg lifestyle; and getting proper vitamins and nutrients from your diet.
The practical advice and sort of "camaraderie" that I feel while listening to each episode is really great. It's especially refreshing to feel validated in my choice to be a vegetarian, and to be reminded that I'm not the only one who has that occasional "caught off-guard" or "confused" feeling when someone I barely know reacts negatively toward that choice. Likewise, I really appreciate the fact that the podcast has given me the knowledge and encouragement to continue inching toward veganism...
Overall, "Vegetarian Food for Thought" is a great companion for anyone who is thinking about becoming a vegetarian, wants to transition to veganism, or is just plain curious about how to live a healthier lifestyle. It's also a fantastic resource for the parents/significant others of vegetarians/vegans as well.
FYI: You can find this podcast through the link below, or through Apple iTunes. The best part is that it's free to listen, download, and subscribe.
You might also these links helpful:
Chickpeas with Potatoes + Tomatoes
Wow. Seriously, wow. This is the first recipe that I've made from my new Deborah Madison Cookbook, and if they're all this good, I'm in big, BIG trouble.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Fruit Blast Smoothie

Luckily though, several years and a few root canals later, I can finally enjoy a smoothie with the best of 'em.
Following is my super-healthy, breakfast smoothie recipe. Please be sure to use frozen fruit without any added sugar/syrup when you make it - the fruit is definitely sweet enough on its own. Also, I like to include "nutritional add-ons" like flax seeds (for the Omega 3s), psyllium husks (for extra fiber), and soy protein powder (for an added boost), but you don't have to, of course. I've marked the optional add-ons with an asterisk, in case you want to keep things simple. This smoothie tastes great either way!
Recipe: Fruit Blast Smoothie
(printer-friendly version)
(makes 2 gigantic servings)
10 frozen strawberries
12 frozen cherries
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 ripe banana (broken into 3 pieces)
1/2 cup quick-cooking oatmeal (non-cooked)
1 Tbsp. ground flax seeds*
1 scoop vanilla-flavored soy protein powder*
1 tsp. psyllium husks*
1 3/4 cups vanilla soy milk
1.) First, place all of the frozen ingredients in the blender, followed by the banana, oatmeal, add-ons (if using), & soy milk.
2.) Press the smoothie/blend button on your blender, & allow the frozen ingredients to break down & mix with the rest of the ingredients.
3.) Remove the top from the blender periodically, & use a spatula to scrape the ingredients down the sides.
4.) Continue blending until the mixture is as smooth as you'd like. Add additional soy milk, if needed.
Tip: Allow frozen fruit to sit at room temperature for a few mins before starting, which helps the smoothie blend more quickly.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lentil + Veggie Bowl

The base for this dish is 1/2 bag of Trader Joe's "Potato Medley," which contains frozen potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions, broccoli, snow peas, and red peppers. I cook it per the directions on the bag (sautéed in a pan with some olive oil for about 10 mins), and add some frozen corn and steamed brown lentils while the whole meal cooks. I also throw in some garlic, cumin, and a splash of vegetable broth for extra flavor.
The Lentil + Veggie Bowl is best served over brown rice, but is equally as good on its own, or as a side dish.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
C's Fruit-Fest
When you live with just one other person, who also happens to love food as much as you do, the inevitable line in the sand is typically drawn over perishable food. I'm one of those people who won't even blink at food that's considering becoming moldy (see: things I despise). My bf, on the other hand, will eat questionable fruits, veggies, and cheeses without even thinking twice (read: stinky moldy cheese; black bananas).
As such, CH put this breakfast together simply to prevent my bi-monthly raid through the refrigerator for "food gone bad." The nicest thing is that when CH makes this breakfast for me, he gives me all of the "good" berries, and saves the "iffy" ones for himself. Love that.
Recipe: C's Fruit-Fest
(printer-friendly version)
(serves one)
1 banana
8 strawberries
1 handful raspberries
1 handful blueberries
1 tsp. flax seeds
1/2 cup vanilla soy milk
1.) Slice the banana into rounds, dropping them into a bowl as you go along.
2.) Rinse the strawberries, slice off the tops, & cut into halves & then quarters. Add these to the bowl of bananas.
3.) Rinse the raspberries & blueberries. Continue adding the berries to the bowl.
4.) Pour the soy milk over the fruit, add more/less, depending upon your preference.
5.) Sprinkle the flax seeds on top of the dish.
6.) Serve with a spoon, & enjoy!
Tip: Wait to rinse the berries until right before serving, as they will turn mushy if you complete this step ahead of time. Also, feel free to vary the types/amounts of berries that you use. Surprisingly, the bananas are actually what make this such a decadent breakfast!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Scrumptious Vegetarian Chili
Friday, September 07, 2007
Iced Vanilla Black Tea

This simple drink is made with only 3 ingredients, and takes about 2 minutes to make (if you already have iced tea on hand). The measurements are based on whatever sized glass you decide to use. I suppose it would've been easier to suggest using a 3 to 1 ration of tea to soy milk, but fractions just look so much more professional...
Recipe: Iced Vanilla Black Tea
(serves one)
3/4 glass iced black tea
1/4 glass vanilla soy milk
2 splashes vanilla-flavored syrup*
5 or so cubes of ice
1.) Pour tea, soy milk, & vanilla syrup into a glass.
2.) Add ice, stir, & enjoy!
*Variation: You can use any kind of flavored syrup that you like - or just stick with plain old sugar.
Cream Cheese + Veggie Sandwich
Recipe: Cream Cheese + Veggie Sandwich
Cream cheese or Toufutti Better Than Cream Cheese
Cucumber, thinly sliced
Tomato, sliced
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
Mixed lettuce
Alfalfa sprouts
Sunflower seeds, small handful
1.) Spread a generous layer of cream cheese on each slice
of bread.
2.) Place the cucumber slices on the bottom slice of bread, followed by the lettuce, tomato, red onion, and sprouts.
3.) Sprinkle the sunflower seeds on top of the cream cheese on the other slice of bread.
4.) Close the sandwich, & viola, you're done!
*Optional: sprinkle some fresh herbs, like dill, on top of the cream cheese; you may also toast the bread, if you wish
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Potato + Black Bean Hash
Ingredients: Potato + Black Bean Hash
1/2 Yukon Gold potato, thinly sliced
1/2 can black beans, rinsed & drained
1/3 red onion, diced
1/2 green pepper, seeded & diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 jalapeño pepper, minced
ground cumin (to taste)
chili powder (to taste)
salt & freshly ground pepper
1-1 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil (for cooking)
fresh parsley, roughly chopped (for garnish)
organic ketchup (as a condiment)
Pasta + Marinara
However, I will share the fact that I found an awesome new type of pasta, which I used in this dish. Although it looks a lot like spaghetti, it's actually called Bucatini. It has small ridges on the outside of it and is hollow in the middle. It's also about the same thickness of spaghetti. Truthfully, it kinda reminds me of a thick version of one of those coffee stirrer straws.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
How, Now, Brown Cow?
Cow's Milk Substitutes:
- Soy Milk:
- Soy milk is probably one of the most commonly used alternatives to cow's milk (hereinafter, "c.m."). It comes in a variety of flavors (unsweetened/plain, chocolate, vanilla, low-fat, etc.), and can be used in virtually any recipe as a direct c.m. substitute.
- Some popular brands include: WestSoy, Silk, 8th Continent, Kirkland (Costo's brand), and Trader Joe's store brand.
- Organic WestSoy and TJ's brand are my favorites because they're inexpensive and are available non-refrigerated. Soy milk that hasn't been refrigerated doesn't have to be kept cold until after it's opened, so it can be stored in the cupboard for months without taking up valuable real estate in your fridge. After it's opened, soy milk has a shelf-life of about 10 days.
- Other Non-Dairy Alternatives:
- Almond Milk (Almond Breeze), Oat Milk, Rice Milk (Rice Dream), and Hemp Milk:
- These types of milk tend to be different in texture and thickness than the more typical soy milk, although they can also be used as a direct replacement for c.m.
- Due to those differences, however, it's best to become familiar with the flavor of each milk before using it in a recipe. Out of the four kinds, rice milk is probably the most adaptable, although almond milk is becomming widely popular.
- Buttermilk:
- Instead of using c.m.-based buttermilk, you can easily make your own.
- Start with 1 cup of soy or rice milk, & stir in 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice or white vinegar.
- Allow the mixture to sit for 10 mins.
- Cream:
- Silk makes a great substitute for cream (Silk Creamer), which comes in several flavors. It can be used in recipes that call for cream, or in place of creamer in coffee. Soy milk (or another c.m. alternative) also works well as an alternative to dairy-based coffee creamers.
- Butter:
- Earth Balance is a great, easy-to-find brand of vegan "butter," which comes in spreadable tub form, or as sticks for baking. It can be used as a direct substitute for c.m. butter in baking and cooking, and as a spread/topping for things like toast or baked potatoes.
- Butter Substitutes For Use in Baking Only:
- Applesauce:
- Simply use the same amount as you would for butter, by replacing up to 3/4 of the butter with applesauce. Replace the rest of the butter with a vegan butter substitute (see previous listing).
- Note: applesauce should only be used when baking "sweet" goods
- Canola Oil:
- In your recipe, use 1/3 cup of oil in place of one stick (1/2 cup) of butter.
- Yogurt:
- Soy yogurt is a fantastic alternative for dairy-based yogurt, and it is made by several companies. Some popular brands are: Silk, Stonyfield Farms O'Soy, Trader Joe's brand, and WholeSoy & Co.
- Mayonnaise:
- Two great brands of vegan mayo are Follow Your Heart Veganaise (I prefer the "original" flavor) and Nayonaise. They can be used as a direct substitute for mayonnaise in any recipe.
- Sour Cream:
- Plain soy yogurt can be used in place of sour cream, or non-dairy sour cream products such as Tofutti Sour Supreme can be used instead.
- Cream Cheese:
- A widely regarded cream cheese alternative is Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese. It's available in flavors such as plain, french onion, and garden veggie.
- Cheese:
- There are tons of non-c.m. based cheeses on the market, which are typically made of soy, rice, or nuts. Be careful though, because several soy cheeses contain animal-derived casein, making them unvegan-friendly. Note, also, that the complaints about vegan cheese substitutes (the taste, texture, lack of melt-ability, etc.) are numerous. Accordingly, this is one of those products that requires a bit of patience, and some trial and error.
- Daiya is the current darling of the vegan cheese world. It comes shredded and in wedge form, and its claim to fame its superior melt-ability, particularly when it comes to making pizza and macaroni and cheese. (edit added 4.24.12)
- Another very popular mozzarella flavored cheese is Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet Cheese Alternative.
- Nutritional Yeast:
- Nutritional yeast is yellowish in color and is sold in a granulated/powder-like form (which appears similar to cornmeal) or in a flaky form. It's very high in vitamin B-12, and although some might call it an acquired taste, once you've learned to appreciate it, nutritional yeast can be a vegan's best friend. It's often used in place of parmesan cheese, or in any recipe that calls for a savory, cheesy taste. Bonus tip: it also tastes great sprinkled over popcorn!
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